Title VI/ADA


Notice to the Public

Notifying the Public of Rights under Title VI/Nondiscrimination Statement/ADA

CCRSI posts Title VI/Nondiscrimination Statement/ADA notices on our agency’s website and in public areas of our agency.

CCRSI operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity status, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Additionally, CCRSI operates its programs and services without discrimination against individuals with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

For more information on CCRSI’s Title VI program, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact CCRSI’s Executive Director at 573-634-4555; email titlevi@ccrsi.org or visit our administrative office at 1908 Boggs Creek Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101. For more information, visit www.ccrsi.org.

If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity status by CCRSI, you may file a Title VI/ADA complaint by completing, signing, and submitting the agency’s Title VI/ADA Complaint Form.

To obtain additional information about your rights under Title VI, contact the CCRSI Administrative Office, 573-634-4555.


  1. An online Complaint Form is available by clicking here. You may download a printable copy of the complaint form by clicking here. Complaint Procedures are available by clicking this link: Complaint Procedures. For additional information, please contact CCRSI Administrative Offices 573-634-4555 and request a copy by fax, mail, or send an email request to titlevi@ccrsi.org.
  1. In addition to the complaint process at CCRSI, complaints may be filed directly with the Federal Transit Administration, Office of Civil Rights, East Building, 5th Floor – TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590.
  1. Complaints must be filed within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence and should contain as much detailed information about the alleged discrimination as possible.
  1. The form must be signed, dated, and include your contact information. If information is needed in another language, contact the CCRSI Administrative Office at 1908 Boggs Creek Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101, or at 573-634-4555.

Click the following links:
To view the Cole County Residential Services, Inc., Civil Rights Title VI Plan.